►Nbdm | |
►Ndetail | |
CExtractUid | |
CGetIndexImpl | |
CGetIndexImpl< T, Counter, FirstType > | |
CGetIndexImpl< T, Counter, FirstType, RemainingTypes... > | |
CInitializeGPUData | |
►Nexperimental | |
CAlgorithm | An interface for creating new optimization algorithms |
CAlgorithmRegistry | Registry of all optimization algorithms |
CCopyExecutionContext | |
CCounter | |
CDatabase | |
CDataTransformer | |
CGenericReducer | |
CLinearTransformer | |
CLineGraph | |
CParameterSweep | Perform an exhaustive sweep across specified parameters |
CParticleSwarm | |
CReducer | |
CStyle | |
►CTimeSeries | |
CData | |
►Nmemory_manager_detail | |
CAllocatedBlock | Contains metadata for an allocated memory block |
CList | |
CNode | |
CNumaPoolAllocator | Pool allocator for a specific allocation size and numa node.
CPoolAllocator | |
►Nneuroscience | |
CNeuriteBifurcationEvent | Contains the parameters to bifurcate a growth cone |
CNeuriteBranchingEvent | This event splits the current neurite element into two elements and adds a new side branch as daughter right at the proximal half |
►CNeuriteElement | |
CMechanicalForcesFunctor | |
CNeuronOrNeurite | |
CNeuronSoma | |
CNewNeuriteExtensionEvent | Contains the parameters to extend a new neurite from a neuron soma |
CParam | |
CSideNeuriteExtensionEvent | Contains the parameters to add a side neurite element |
CSplitNeuriteElementEvent | Contains the parameters to split a neurite element into two segments |
CAgent | Contains code required by all agents |
CAgentContainer | |
CAgentFlatIdxMap | |
CAgentHandle | |
CAgentHandleIterator | |
CAgentOperationImpl | Interface for implementing an operation |
►CAgentPointer | |
CData | TODO. Replace with std::variant once we move to >= c++17 |
CAgentUid | |
CAgentUidGenerator | This class generates unique ids for agents |
►CAgentUidMap | |
CIterator | |
CAgentVector | |
CAux | |
CBasicExporter | |
CBehavior | |
CBehaviorOp | |
CBinomialRng | |
CBoundaryCondition | This class implements the boundary conditions. It is integrated into the diffusion grid as a smart pointer. The diffusion grid will call the Evaluate() method of the boundary condition object for Neumann and Dirichlet boundary conditions |
CBoundSpace | |
CBreitWignerRng | |
CCell | |
CCellDivisionEvent | Contains the parameters to perform a cell division |
CChemotaxis | Move cells along the diffusion gradient (from low concentration to high) |
CCommandLineOptions | Class to contain and parse command line options |
CConstantBoundaryCondition | This class implements constant boundary conditions (Dirichlet and Neumann). The value of the boundary condition is constant and independent of the position and time, i.e. u = const or du/dn = const on the boundary |
CContinuum | Continuum class to interface with BioDynaMo for hybrid simulations |
CContinuumOp | A class that sets up diffusion grids of the substances in this simulation |
CCreateVtkDataArray | |
CCSVReader | Reads in a CSV file using rapidcsv |
CDiffusionGrid | |
CDiscretizationOp | |
CDistributionRng | Random number generator that generates samples from a distribution |
CDividingCellOp | |
►CEnvironment | |
►CNeighborMutexBuilder | |
CNeighborMutex | |
CSimDimensionAndLargestAgentFunctor | |
CEulerDepletionGrid | Continuum model for the 3D diffusion equation with exponential decay and substance depletion |
CEulerGrid | Continuum model for the 3D heat equation with exponential decay |
CExecutionContext | |
CExporter | |
CExporterFactory | |
CExpRng | |
CFea | |
CFen | |
CFixedSizeVector | |
CForEachAgentParallelFunctor | |
CFunctor | |
CGausRng | |
CGaussianBand | |
CGeneRegulation | |
CGetDataMemberForVis | |
CGetNumberOfComponents | |
CGetNumberOfComponents< MathArray< T, N > > | |
CGetNumberOfComponents< std::array< T, N > > | |
CGetVtkValueType | |
CGetVtkValueType< AgentPointer< T > > | |
CGetVtkValueType< AgentUid > | |
CGetVtkValueType< int > | |
CGetVtkValueType< MathArray< T, N > > | |
CGetVtkValueType< real_t > | |
CGetVtkValueType< uint64_t > | |
CGpuHelper | |
CGrowthDivision | |
►CInlineVector | |
CIterator | |
►CInPlaceExecutionContext | |
CThreadSafeAgentUidMap | |
CIntegralTypeWrapper | |
CInteractionForce | |
Cis_agent_ptr | |
Cis_agent_ptr< AgentPointer< T > > | |
CIsArray | Checks whether T is std::array or bdm::MathArray |
CIsArray< MathArray< T, N > > | |
CIsArray< std::array< T, N > > | |
CIterator | |
CJitForEachDataMemberFunctor | |
CJitHeaders | |
►CKDTreeEnvironment | |
CNanoflannImpl | |
CLambdaFunctor | |
CLambdaFunctor< TReturn(TLambda::*)(TArgs...) const > | |
CLambdaFunctor< TReturn(TLambda::*)(TArgs...)> | |
CLandauRng | |
CLoadBalanceFunctor | |
CLoadBalanceInfo | |
CLoadBalancingOp | |
CLog | Wrapper class over ROOT logging module |
CLogRangeParam | A uniform range of logarithmically scaled values (e.g. 1, 10, 100, 1000) |
CMappedDataArray | |
CMappedDataArrayInterface | |
CMath | |
CMathArray | |
CMatlabExporter | |
CMechanicalForcesOp | Defines the 3D physical interactions between physical objects |
CMechanicalForcesOpCuda | Defines the 3D physical interactions between physical objects |
CMechanicalForcesOpCudaKernel | |
CMechanicalForcesOpOpenCL | Defines the 3D physical interactions between physical objects |
CMemoryManager | |
CModelInitializer | |
CMortonIterator | |
CMortonOrder | |
CNanoFlannAdapter | |
CNeuroMLExporter | |
CNewAgentEvent | |
CNewAgentEventUidGenerator | |
►COctreeEnvironment | |
CUnibnImpl | |
►COpenCLState | |
COpenCLImpl | |
COpenCLImplDestructor | |
COperation | |
COperationImpl | |
COperationRegistry | |
COpTimer | Decorator for Operations to measure runtime |
COptimizationParam | |
COptimizationParamType | An interface for creating different types of optimization parameters |
CParallelResizeVector | Std::vector with parallel resize |
CParallelVtiWriter | |
CParallelVtuWriter | |
►CParam | |
CVisualizeDiffusion | |
CParamGroup | Interface for parameter groups |
CParamGroupUidGenerator | This class generates unique ids for parameter groups. Thread safe |
►CParaviewAdaptor | The class that bridges the simulation code with ParaView |
CParaviewImpl | |
CParaviewExporter | |
CParticleSwarmParam | |
CPoissonBand | |
CPoissonDRng | |
CPoissonRng | |
CProgressBar | This class implements a progress bar that can be used to track the progress of a simulation |
CPropagateStaticnessAgentOp | |
CPropagateStaticnessOp | |
CPvtiWriter | |
CRandom | |
CRandomizedRm | |
CRangeParam | |
CReductionOp | |
►CResourceManager | |
CParallelRemovalAuxData | |
CRootAdaptor | The class that bridges the simulation code with ROOT Visualization |
CRunAllScheduledOps | |
CRuntimeVariables | |
CScalarField | Interface for scalar fields. See Continuum for more information |
CScheduler | |
CSecretion | Secrete substance at Agent position |
CSetParam | |
CSetUpIterationOp | |
►CSharedData | The SharedData class avoids false sharing between threads |
CAlignedT | Wrapper for a chacheline-size aligned T |
CIterator | |
CSimulation | |
CSimulationBackup | |
CSphericalAgent | |
CSpinlock | |
CStack | |
CStandaloneOperationImpl | Interface for implementing an operation that should run on a GPU |
CStatelessBehavior | Simplifies the creation of behaviors without attributes. Let's assume that we want to create a behavior that divides a cell agent in each iteration. The following code example uses the StatelessBehavior: |
CSumReduction | |
CTearDownIterationOp | |
CTFileRaii | Automatically close a TFile object using RAII pattern |
CThreadInfo | This class stores information about each thread. (e.g. to which NUMA node it belongs to.) NB: Threads must be bound to CPUs using OMP_PROC_BIND=true |
CTiming | |
CTimingAggregator | |
Ctype_ternary_operator | |
Ctype_ternary_operator< false, T, U > | |
Ctype_ternary_operator< true, T, U > | |
CTypeIndex | |
CUbrng | |
CUniform | |
►CUniformGridEnvironment | A class that represents Cartesian 3D grid |
CAssignToBoxesFunctor | |
►CBox | A single unit cube of the grid |
CIterator | An iterator that iterates over the cells in this box |
►CGridNeighborMutexBuilder | |
CGridNeighborMutex | |
CMutexWrapper | |
►CLoadBalanceInfoUG | |
CInitializeVectorFunctor | |
CNeighborIterator | An iterator that iterates over the boxes in this grid |
CUniformRng | |
CUnorderedFlatmap | |
CUpdateCPUResults | |
CUpdateEnvironmentOp | |
CUpdateStaticnessOp | |
CUpdateTimeSeriesOp | |
CUserDefinedDist | |
CUserDefinedDistRng1D | |
CUserDefinedDistRng2D | |
CUserDefinedDistRng3D | |
CVectorField | Interface for vector fields. See Continuum for more information |
CVectorTypeWrapper | |
CVisualizationAdaptor | |
CVisualizationOp | |
CVtiWriter | |
CVtkAgents | |
CVtkDiffusionGrid | |
CVTuneOpWrapper | |
CVTuneTask | |
►Nstd | |
Chash< bdm::AgentUid > | |
Chash< bdm::UserDefinedDist > | |
C__itt_domain | |
C__itt_null_t | |
C__itt_string_handle | |