Go to the documentation of this file.
21 namespace experimental {
34 operator TStyle*()
169 #endif // CORE_ANALYSIS_STYLE_H_
Int_t fCanvasDefY
Default canvas top Y position.
Int_t fNumberContours
Default number of contours for 2-d plots.
TString fStatFormat
Printing format for stats.
void FromTStyle(TStyle *style)
Float_t fPadBottomMargin
Pad bottom margin.
Width_t fFrameLineWidth
Pad frame line width.
Color_t fHistFillColor
Histogram fill color.
Float_t fStatY
Y position of top right corner of stat box.
Style_t fGridStyle
Grid line style.
Int_t fCanvasDefW
Default canvas width.
TString fTitlePS
User defined Postscript file title.
Width_t fHistLineWidth
Histogram line width.
Int_t fOptTitle
True if option Title is selected.
Double_t fHistTopMargin
Margin between histogram's top and pad's top.
Color_t fFuncColor
Function color.
Int_t fPadBorderMode
Pad border mode.
Color_t fLegendFillColor
Legend fill color.
Color_t fPadColor
Pad color.
Float_t fStatFontSize
Font size in pixels for fonts with precision type 3.
Float_t fScreenFactor
Multiplication factor for canvas size and position.
Int_t fDrawBorder
Flag to draw border(=1) or not (0)
TString fFitFormat
Printing format for fit parameters.
Float_t fBarOffset
Offset of bar for graphs.
Width_t fPadBorderSize
Pad border size.
Int_t fOptLogx
True if log scale in X.
Double_t fHatchesSpacing
Hatches spacing for hatch styles > 3100.
Int_t fShowEventStatus
Show event status panel.
Float_t fTitleW
Width of title box.
Float_t fDateX
X position of the date in the canvas (in NDC)
Float_t fBarWidth
Width of bar for graphs.
Style_t fLegendFont
Legend font style.
Double_t fTimeOffset
Time offset to the beginning of an axis.
Int_t fOptLogy
True if log scale in y.
TAttText fAttDate
Canvas date attribute.
Float_t fPadLeftMargin
Pad left margin.
Width_t fLegendBorderSize
Legend box border size.
Int_t fFrameBorderMode
Pad frame border mode.
Width_t fGridWidth
Grid line width.
Float_t fPaperSizeX
PostScript paper size along X.
Style_t fHistFillStyle
Histogram fill style.
Color_t fCanvasColor
Canvas color.
Bool_t fPadGridX
True to get the grid along X.
Width_t fFrameBorderSize
Pad frame border size.
Float_t fPadRightMargin
Pad right margin.
Bool_t fCanvasPreferGL
If true, rendering in canvas is with GL.
Style_t fStatFont
Font style of Stats PaveLabel.
Int_t fOptFit
True if option Fit is selected.
TAttAxis fYaxis
Y axis attributes.
Bool_t fPadGridY
True to get the grid along Y.
Bool_t fStripDecimals
Strip decimals in axis labels.
TString fHeaderPS
User defined additional Postscript header.
Float_t fPadTopMargin
Pad top margin.
Float_t fTitleX
X position of top left corner of title box.
Int_t fOptFile
True if option File is selected.
Style_t fFrameLineStyle
Pad frame line style.
Float_t fLegoInnerR
Inner radius for cylindrical legos.
Float_t fErrorX
Per cent of bin width for errors along X.
Color_t fTitleColor
Title fill area color.
Int_t fTitleAlign
Title box alignment.
Color_t fStatColor
Stat fill area color.
Style_t fFrameFillStyle
Pad frame fill style.
Int_t fCanvasBorderMode
Canvas border mode.
Float_t fEndErrorSize
Size of lines at the end of error bars.
Width_t fTitleBorderSize
Border size of Title PavelLabel.
Width_t fCanvasBorderSize
Canvas border size.
Int_t fShowToolBar
Show toolbar.
Int_t fColorModelPS
PostScript color model: 0 = RGB, 1 = CMYK.
Style_t fTitleFont
Font style of Title PaveLabel.
TStyle * GetTStyle() const
Float_t fTitleY
Y position of top left corner of title box.
Color_t fHistLineColor
Histogram line color.
Float_t fTitleFontSize
Font size in pixels for fonts with precision type 3.
Float_t fTitleH
Height of title box.
Width_t fFuncWidth
Function line width.
TString fPaintTextFormat
Printing format for TH2::PaintText.
Style_t fTitleStyle
Fill area style of title PaveLabel.
Int_t fCanvasDefH
Default canvas height.
Float_t fStatH
Height of stat box.
Float_t fStatX
X position of top right corner of stat box.
Color_t fFrameLineColor
Pad frame line color.
Float_t fPaperSizeY
PostScript paper size along Y.
Int_t fHatchesLineWidth
Hatches line width for hatch styles > 3100.
Color_t fFrameFillColor
Pad frame fill color.
Int_t fOptLogz
True if log scale in z.
Style_t fFuncStyle
Function style.
Float_t fLineScalePS
Line scale factor when drawing lines on Postscript.
Int_t fPadTickY
True to set special pad ticks along Y.
Color_t fStatTextColor
Stat text color.
Style_t fHistLineStyle
Histogram line style.
Float_t fStatW
Width of stat box.
Color_t fGridColor
Grid line color (if 0 use axis line color)
Width_t fStatBorderSize
Border size of Stats PaveLabel.
Float_t fDateY
Y position of the date in the canvas (in NDC)
Int_t fCanvasDefX
Default canvas top X position.
Int_t fOptDate
True if date option is selected.
Int_t fShowEditor
Show pad editor.
Int_t fPadTickX
True to set special pad ticks along X.
TAttAxis fXaxis
X axis attributes.
Style_t fStatStyle
Fill area style of Stats PaveLabel.
Color_t fTitleTextColor
Title text color.
TAttAxis fZaxis
Z axis attributes.
Int_t fOptStat
True if option Stat is selected.