This is the complete list of members for bdm::Math, including all inherited members.
AngleRadian(const Real3 &a, const Real3 &b) | bdm::Math | inlinestatic |
CrossProduct(const MathArray< real_t, N > &a, const MathArray< real_t, N > &b) | bdm::Math | inlinestatic |
GetL2Distance(const Real3 &pos1, const Real3 &pos2) | bdm::Math | inlinestatic |
kInfinity | bdm::Math | static |
kPi | bdm::Math | static |
MSE(const std::vector< real_t > &v1, const std::vector< real_t > &v2) | bdm::Math | inlinestatic |
Perp3(const Real3 &a, real_t random) | bdm::Math | inlinestatic |
ProjectionOnto(const Real3 &a, const Real3 &b) | bdm::Math | inlinestatic |
RotAroundAxis(const Real3 &vector, real_t theta, const Real3 &axis) | bdm::Math | inlinestatic |
ToDegree(real_t rad) | bdm::Math | inlinestatic |
ToRadian(real_t deg) | bdm::Math | inlinestatic |