This is the complete list of members for bdm::experimental::LineGraph, including all inherited members.
Add(const std::string &ts_name, const std::string &legend_name="", const char *add_mg_options="L", short line_color=1, float line_color_alpha=1.0, short line_style=1, short line_width=1, short marker_color=1, float marker_color_alpha=1.0, short marker_style=1, float marker_size=1, short fill_color=0, float fill_color_alpha=1.0, short fill_style=1000) | bdm::experimental::LineGraph | |
c_ | bdm::experimental::LineGraph | private |
Draw(const char *canvas_draw_option="") | bdm::experimental::LineGraph | |
GetTCanvas() | bdm::experimental::LineGraph | |
GetTGraphs(const std::string &ts_name) const | bdm::experimental::LineGraph | |
GetTLegend() | bdm::experimental::LineGraph | |
GetTMultiGraph() | bdm::experimental::LineGraph | |
GetTStyle() | bdm::experimental::LineGraph | |
id_tgraphs_map_ | bdm::experimental::LineGraph | private |
l_ | bdm::experimental::LineGraph | private |
LineGraph(const TimeSeries *ts, const std::string &title="", const std::string &xaxis_title="", const std::string &yaxis_title="", bool legend=true, TStyle *style=nullptr, int width=700, int height=500) | bdm::experimental::LineGraph | |
mg_ | bdm::experimental::LineGraph | private |
mg_draw_option_ | bdm::experimental::LineGraph | private |
s_ | bdm::experimental::LineGraph | private |
SaveAs(const std::string &filenpath_wo_extension, const std::vector< std::string > &extensions) | bdm::experimental::LineGraph | |
SetLegendPos(real_t x1, real_t y1, real_t x2, real_t y2) | bdm::experimental::LineGraph | |
SetLegendPosNDC(real_t x1, real_t y1, real_t x2, real_t y2) | bdm::experimental::LineGraph | |
SetMultiGraphDrawOption(const std::string &s) | bdm::experimental::LineGraph | |
ts_ | bdm::experimental::LineGraph | private |
Update() | bdm::experimental::LineGraph | |
~LineGraph() | bdm::experimental::LineGraph |