Author: Lukas Breitwieser
In this tutorial we show how to collect and analyse data from multiple experiments.
To this extent, we create a simulation where cells divide rapidly leading to exponential growth.
Let's start by setting up BioDynaMo notebooks.
%jsroot on
INFO: Created simulation object 'simulation' with UniqueName='simulation'.
using namespace bdm::experimental;
real_t gDivProb = 0.05;
We use the same simulation as in ST09-timeseries-plotting-basic
It is a simulation were agents divide with a specific division probability in each time step leading to exponential growth. We collect the number of agents in each time step.
Have a look at ST09-timeseries-plotting-basic
for more information.
We wrap the required simulation code in a function called Experiment
which takes two parameters:
void Experiment(TimeSeries* result, real_t division_probability) {
gDivProb = division_probability;
auto set_param = [](Param* param) {
param->simulation_time_step = 1.0;
Simulation simulation("MySimulation", set_param);
StatelessBehavior rapid_division([](Agent* agent) {
if (Simulation::GetActive()->GetRandom()->Uniform() < gDivProb) {
auto create_cell = [&](const Real3& position) {
Cell* cell = new Cell(position);
return cell;
ModelInitializer::CreateAgentsRandom(0, 200, 100, create_cell);
auto* ts = simulation.GetTimeSeries();
auto get_num_agents = [](Simulation* sim) {
return static_cast<real_t>(sim->GetResourceManager()->GetNumAgents());
ts->AddCollector("num-agents", get_num_agents);
// move collected time series data from simulation to object result
*result = std::move(*simulation.GetTimeSeries());
We want to run our experiment for 10 times with a different division probability parameter. We choose the division probability randomly between 0.04 and 0.06
std::vector<TimeSeries> individual_results(10);
Random rnd;
for(auto& ir : individual_results) {
Experiment(&ir, rnd.Uniform(0.04, 0.06));
In the next step we want to combine the individual results. Therefore we calculate the mean, and min (error low), and max (error high) and store it in a merged TimeSeries
TimeSeries merged;
auto merger = [](const std::vector<real_t>& all_ys,
real_t* y, real_t* eh, real_t* el) {
*y = TMath::Mean(all_ys.begin(), all_ys.end());
*el = *y - *TMath::LocMin(all_ys.begin(), all_ys.end());
*eh = *TMath::LocMax(all_ys.begin(), all_ys.end()) - *y;
TimeSeries::Merge(&merged, individual_results, merger);
Now we can print the merged results and see how the simulations evolved over time, and how they differed from each other.
LineGraph g(&merged, "My result", "Time", "Number of agents", false, nullptr, 500, 300);
g.Add("num-agents", "Number of Agents", "LP", kBlue);
Finally, let's fit an exponential function to the data.
g.GetTMultiGraph()->Fit("expo", "S");
**************************************** Minimizer is Minuit2 / Migrad Chi2 = 0.90503 NDf = 38 Edm = 4.74293e-08 NCalls = 43 Constant = 4.67355 +/- 0.012978 Slope = 0.0502078 +/- 0.00176141