Author: Lukas Breitwieser
In this tutorial we show how to collect data during the simulation, and plot and analyse it at the end.
To this extent, we create a simulation where cells divide rapidly leading to exponential growth.
Let's start by setting up BioDynaMo notebooks.
%jsroot on
INFO: Created simulation object 'simulation' with UniqueName='simulation'.
using namespace bdm::experimental;
auto set_param = [](Param* param) {
param->simulation_time_step = 1.0;
Simulation simulation("MySimulation", set_param);
Let's create a behavior which divides cells with $5\%$ probability in each time step.
New cells should also get this behavior.
Therefore, we have to call AlwaysCopyToNew()
Otherwise, we would only see linear growth.
StatelessBehavior rapid_division([](Agent* agent) {
if (Simulation::GetActive()->GetRandom()->Uniform() < 0.05) {
Let's create a function that creates a cell at a specific position, with diameter = 10, and the rapid_division
auto create_cell = [](const Real3& position) {
Cell* cell = new Cell(position);
return cell;
As starting condition we want to create 100 cells randomly distributed in a cube with $min = 0, max = 200$
ModelInitializer::CreateAgentsRandom(0, 200, 100, create_cell);
Before we start the simulation, we have to tell BioDynaMo which data to collect.
We can do this with the TimeSeries::AddCollector function.
In this example we are interested in the number of agents ...
auto* ts = simulation.GetTimeSeries();
auto get_num_agents = [](Simulation* sim) {
return static_cast<real_t>(sim->GetResourceManager()->GetNumAgents());
ts->AddCollector("num-agents", get_num_agents);
... and the number agents with $diameter < 5$.
We create a condition cond
and pass it to an instance of Counter
which calculates the number of agents for which cond(agent)
evaluates to true.
auto cond = [](Agent* a) { return a->GetDiameter() < 5; };
ts->AddCollector("agents_lt_5", new bdm::experimental::Counter<real_t>(cond));
Now let's simulate 40 iterations
Now we can plot how the number of agents (in this case cells) and the number of agents with $diameter < 5$ evolved over time.
LineGraph g(ts, "my result", "Time", "Number of agents",
true, nullptr, 500, 300);
g.Add("num-agents", "Number of Agents", "L", kBlue);
g.Add("agents_lt_5", "Number of Agents diam < 5", "L", kGreen);
Let's try to fit an exponential function to verify our assumption that the cells grew exponentially.
Please visit the ROOT user-guide for more information regarding fitting
auto fitresult = g.GetTGraphs("num-agents")[0]->Fit("expo", "S");
**************************************** Minimizer is Minuit2 / Migrad Chi2 = 377.117 NDf = 38 Edm = 2.80271e-11 NCalls = 49 Constant = 4.64791 +/- 0.00505256 Slope = 0.0497729 +/- 0.000161219
Indeed, the number of agents follow an exponential function $$y = \exp(slope * x + constant)$$ with constant = 4.6 and slope = 0.049 This corresponds to the division probability of $0.05$
This is how to change the color after the creation of g
Also the position of the legend can be optimized.
g.SetLegendPos(1, 500, 20, 700);
Let's save these results in multiple formats
g.SaveAs(Concat(simulation.GetOutputDir(), "/line-graph"),
{".root", ".svg", ".png", ".C"});