One of BioDynaMo's built-in biological processes is extracellular diffusion. It is the process of extracellular substances diffusing through space. The constants that govern the diffusion process can be set by the user. Let's go through an example where diffusion plays a role.

Copy the demo code

diffusion is one of many installed demos in BioDynaMo. It can be copied out with biodynamo demo.

bdm demo diffusion .

Inspect the code

Go into the diffusion directory and open the source file src/diffusion.h in your favorite editor. We can note the following things from its content:

1. Substance list

enum Substances { kKalium };

The extracellular substances that will be used in the simulation are listed in an enum data structure. In this case it is just a single substance. According to our C++ coding style we will prepend the substance's name with the letter "k".

2. Initial model

First, create a BioDynaMo simulation:

Simulation simulation(argc, argv);

Next up is creating the initial model of our simulation. We start by defining the substance that cells may secrete

ModelInitializer::DefineSubstance(kKalium, "Kalium", 0.4, 0, 25);

Next, we have to create an initial set of agents and set their attributes:

  auto construct = [&](const Real3& position) {
    Cell* cell = new Cell(position);
    cell->AddBehavior(new Chemotaxis("Kalium", 0.5));
    return cell;
  ModelInitializer::Grid3D(2, 100, construct);

   // The cell responsible for secretion
  Cell secreting_cell({50, 50, 50});
  secreting_cell.AddBehavior(new Secretion("Kalium", 4));

The construct lambda defines the properties of each cell that we create. These can be physical properties (diameter, mass), but also biological properties and behaviors (chemotaxis, substance secretion)

This example uses the predefined behaviors Chemotaxis and Secretion that will govern the behavior of the agents (i.e. cells). These two behaviors are included by default in BioDynaMo.

One of the cells (the cell at position {50, 50, 50}) will be the one secreting the substance; it therefore gets assigned the Secretion behavior. All other cells are assigned the Chemotaxis behavior. Basically it makes cells move according to the gradient, caused by a spatial concentration difference of the substance.

Simulation Parameters

Create a bdm.toml file in the diffusion directory, and copy the following lines into it:

export = true
interval = 10

	name = "Cell"
	additional_data_members = [ "diameter_" ]

	name = "Kalium"
	gradient = true

This will enable exporting visualization files, so that we can visualize the simulation after it has finished. Furthermore, we enable the output of the diameter of our agents (by default named "Cell"), and the gradient data of the extracellular diffusion

Build and run the simulation

Run the following commands to build and run the simulation.

bdm run

Visualize the simulation

Load the generated ParaView state file as described in Section Visualization.

From "View", select "Animation Panel". This will display some animation settings at the bottom of the screen. From the "Mode" select "Real Time". Then click the Play button at the top of the screen to run the simulation visualization.

Boundary conditions

For a numerical solution, we need to specify the equation, the boundary conditions, and the domain. BioDynaMo supports Neumann, Dirichlet and Periodic boundaries with constant coefficients on a cube domain. For instance, you may specify no-flux boundaries (homogeneous Neumann) via

    kKalium, BoundaryConditionType::kNeumann,

or some Dirichlet boundaries via

    kKalium, BoundaryConditionType::kDirichlet,

or Periodic boundaries via

    kKalium, BoundaryConditionType::kPeriodic);

The ModelInitializer conveniently wraps the access to the ResourceManager and sets the boundaries. You can also set the boundaries directly by calling member functions of the DiffusionGrid (see API documentation).

If you want to implement more sophisticated boundaries (e.g. with spatial dependence), you may derive classes from BoundaryCondition and implement its member BoundaryCondition::Evaluate(real_t,real_t,real_t,real_t) accordingly. If your application required different equations, different domains, different numerical schemes, please consult the API for Continuum, ScalarField, and VectorField to see how to interface continuum models with the BioDyanMo simulation runtime. (see also bdm demo analytic_continuum)

Diffusion parameter constraints

The partial differential equations that describe diffusion are solved numerically. This is done using a forward in time and central in space finite difference method. As shown in the figure below. The upper indices label the discretization in time, and the lower indices describe the discretization in space. The delta parameters t and h denote length in time and space, respectively.

Central Difference Method

The diffusion coefficient D models the speed of the diffusion process through space, while constant mu controls the speed at which substances decay. The method is not unconditionally stable, thus we impose the following constraint on parameters:

Parameter Constraint

Since as a user, you are giving the resolution of the diffusion grid and not the distance between the grid points, you can determine this value by dividing the longest dimension of your space by the resolution, or by calling the corresponding function DiffusionGrid::GetBoxLength().

For more information on the inner workings of the diffusion behavior, please refer to: